Family Practice nurse practitioner
Best Specialty Care Close to Home
717 South state Street, Fairmont MN 56031

The Care You Deserve
OsteoArthritis Centers of America has developed the OA Centers Knee Program – a highly successful, proven alternative to total knee placement – based on information derived from patient treatments over an approximate 10 year span. The results have been tracked on more than 20,000 patients who have been treated using the Program, and 95% report measurable decrease in pain and increase in function.
You may be a candidate for the OA Center Knee Program if you:
Have aching joints in the morning
Experience pain going up or down stairs
Frequently take ibuprofen or aspirin for knee pain
Feel pain around your knees when trying to do activities you enjoy
Have been told that you need knee replacement surgery
Why OA Center Knee Program is so successful in treating patients?
All natural FDA-approved hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant and shock absorber in the knee
Accuracy of injections, and mininal pain is experienced by using live-motion x-ray fluoroscope technology
Injections are combined with personal physical rehabiltation programs promoting strength, endurance and overall physical function
Clinical outcomes collected have been reviewed to develop the ideal treatment Program designed to achieve maximum results for each individual patient
What makes the OsteoArthitis Centers of America unique?
The AO Centers Knee Program is available at clinics accrediated by the OsteoArthritis Centers of America – Center for Specialty Care is Minnesota’s only accredited OA Center.
We have proven clinical success relieving and eliminating excruciating joint pain
We specialize in non-surgical pain relief
Our Program is safe and has no reported side effects
The Program allows for the creation of a customized physical rehabilitation plan for each patient using the latest technology and proven physical therapy methods
The treatment regimen used in the Program has been utilized in the treatment of tens of thousands of patients, with extremely high success rates
For more information about this exciting new program, Center for Specialty Care at 507-238-4949